Thursday, June 12, 2014

Life is short , help those you can, while you have the possibility to do so, live each day as if its your last, not by celebrating, but by doing goodwill and helping those around you, and those you cross along the path of life, the same things you'll appreciate if someone should do so to you !!!

To my readers : Everything that I have posted on this Blog are my actual thoughts, and my way of seeing and interpreting life, due to the person I am, the paths I have chosen, and my past experiences, as I make much of the time that has been given to me, and I apologise if I should hurt anyone's feelings by what I have published below . Thank you. 


First of all, I think that the greatest gift to everyone is, his or her eyes…. to be able to see the beauty that surround’s us, and be conscious to appreciate it …..Do you ever stop to think for one instant what it is like for a blind person, living in total Darkness his or her entire life …Then I guess you have just realized how lucky you are!!!!!
                                              -Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder-


In life you have to Focus on what you already have, and NOT what you'll like to Have!!!!

Always be satisfied ,for there are many others that does have half of what you have !!

True living is about touching, knowing and acting from a deeper place beyond what we can see !!!


If you should ever noticed as you get older , you are not as beautiful as you used to be , please don't let that get you down , because for the most of us as we get older the beauty leaves our face and goes towards our HEART , and thus we become a better person from the inside....


How do you know when you really love someone......when you'll do ANYTHING to make that person happy, and  you are only happy when you see happiness in that person eyes!!!!!! When all you can think of is that person's well being and always want to be beside that person, ready to protect him or her with your life !!


Saying "I LOVE YOU " ( although every human being love to hear those words) to someone does not really mean much , for Love is not something you can measure in size , weight or quantity ,,,,LOVE is something You have to PROVE !! By KINDNESS , SOFT SPOKEN GENTLE WORDS , SHOWING ALOT OF AFFECTION, AND MOST OF ALL DEVOTION ....And don't ever ask someone a silly question like "DO YOU LOVE ME" ? FOR IF THEY REALLY LOVE YOU,YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO SEE IT IN THEIR EYES !!!, IN THEIR GESTURES, and also the way they TALK TO YOU and THE MOST IMPORTANT ,, THE THINGS THEY SAY TO YOU, FOR LOVE IS VERY DIFFICULT TO CONTROL OR TO CONCEAL (HIDE)!!!!! ... And bear in mind Love is the greatest gift you can give to someone and it does not cost a cent !!!


Your past is the foundation of your future, (meaning ; for those who should read this and are in their teens or a little more , What ever you should go through in life when you are young will have an important impact later in your life and will make you the person you'll eventually become !), and your destiny is just the result of some very important decisions that you have made in the past...... at least thats what I have gained from my experience......


The most difficult times in your lives, those moments when you are down on your knees, (for those who did not have everything cut out for them) are the moments that you can go through without much difficulty if you are surrounded by people who love and care for you, for you do not have to hold out your hands and ask for help, there will be a lots of outstretch hands , you just have to be able to recognize them……


The most important descisions in life are best made with your heart and not your head...In other words if you have to make a very important descision, don't think too long ,or don't make anybody try to convince you what descision you should make, just follow your heart...( I have proven this from a descision I made 25 years ago)


I have heard people saying things like, "I have been seeking happiness all my life", and I realised that they have got it all wrong , for happiness is not something that you can ever find because it is a STATE OF BEING, meaning that it is something within you, no one can make you happy if you are not at peace with yourself . Maybe as you read this, you may ask yourself, well what should I do to be happy, my advise is first of all look back in the past, accept everything that happened to you , never blame anyone for something that happens to you, for most of the time you allow things to happen to you, lets take for example, you were hurt by someone that you really loved and cared for ...actually that person did not hurt you, you were hurt because that person did or said something that did not please you and you were deeply disapointed, the same thing said or done by someone that you cared less for, would not have the same effect , so in conclusion we go about hurting ourselves because of our emotions and sentiments. Secondly do not expect or hope for something in return from anyone, in other words if you are friends with someone , always be there for that person and expect nothing in return, whatever you do, do it freely don't ever look foward even for a "Thank you" . And thirdly and most important, always seek out something POSITIVE in everything that happens to you or even arround you !!!. Always remember , happiness is a state of being , something that depends entirely on you, no one can make you happy or unhappy it depends on how your mind , heart and soul interpret's what you are experiencing!!! And from what I have experienced , being constantly positive is the key to happiness!!!  I hope that these little advises can change the lives of many of my readers !!


Sometimes we do not realize how important we are to others, just by being alive, and secondly just by crossing someone's path once or regularly, you can make a difference in their lives,  that's why committing suicide is never a good idea, because when you think you are just leaving this world because you don't mean anything to anybody , you can be very wrong, people don't always say everything they have on their minds, or are comfortable expressing their feelings, and some times they just can't do so, for different reasons, sometimes just thinking of you secretly gives someone the reason to live , and remember to want to "live" like every other thing you have to find a reason and for some of us that reason can come late in life , so if you are very young all I can say is hang in there precious person!! ( If I am to compare suicide with something in everyday's life , I will say its like getting off the bus, because as you are sitting in a bus there might be someone just admiring you and is very happy doing so , and as you stepped out of that bus, he becomes very sad , because you have just taken away a moment of happiness from his maybe miserable life as he realized that he will never see you again !!!) So for those with suicidal thoughts, please just think of those that will miss you, maybe someone you have not even noticed..


In some of my many analyses of life, I have come to the conclusion that in a couple at the beginning, there is always one that loves the other first. And if I may, I'll put this way, It is advisable to go towards someone that falls in love with you, than towards someone that you fall in love with (in very rare cases two people can fall in Love with each other instantly) because if you are the first to fall in Love, you will have to work hard all your life to keep that love burning or you may eventually loose that person. On the other Hand if someone falls in Love with you, he or she will move mountains or do the most impossible things in order not to loose you.


For some of us who have realized that throughout our lives we tend to hurt those that we love, actually we don’t ONLY hurt those that we love , but a lot others that we don’t take noticed of , the reason is we tend to be close to those we love, and thus we noticed when they are hurt, unfortunately its impossible to go through life without hurting anyone, my best advise is whenever someone hurts you, don’t hold it against them and try your best to forgive them (thought I know it not always easy to do so) and by doing so, just hope that those YOU hurt will do the same for you . And remember as stupid as this may sound, its true, when you forgive someone, you are not doing it for them, but for yourself, it makes you feel better and it takes a great burden off your shoulders and therefore you can continue life’s journey happier.


The success of a relationship depends on how much effort both parties put EQUALLY into it, and if you want to know what the key is, to a successful relationship then here it is, First of all its Accepting that person the way he or she is, Secondly is Loving that person for what he or she is, and thirdly and most of all is Communication, always take the time to discuss things, let the other person knows your likes and dislikes. Actually this is what I learnt from my experience, and I just want to share it with others. But I have to say that it is not always an easy task, and as we all know the Best Things in Life are the most difficult ones to obtain. And my last little advise, is to look at a relationship as a blooming rose plant and if you like to see the beautiful roses for the longest while, then you will have to CONSTANTLY take care of that plant!, and knowing that during the process you will from time to time, be hurt from the thorns on the plant, but there as certain things in life that worth the sacrifice!. And remember a relationship concerns everyone; it can be between two friends, a couple or between an adult and a child etc. Thank you for taking the time to follow my thoughts.

For whatever wrong you have ever done in the past, anyone you have hurt, or any sufferings that you have brought upon someone, there is nothing you can ever do to erase or change any of those things and that will be the ghost that will haunt you for the rest of your life (for those of us that have a conscience.) However there is one thing that you can do to ease the pain of those who suffer because of you, and that is to do everything within your power to help them or the people who means a lot to them, and by doing so they MIGHT realize how sorry you are and how much you had not willfully meant to cause any pain or sufferings ……

  • Not too long ago someone calls my attention to an article in a magazine, that had a headline which reads « Married couples tends to live longer » I did not read the article because I realized that the author was sending out the wrong message! Or he does not have the right answer, as to why most married couples tends to have better health and live longer!.
  • The correct headline should be “ Not being alone tends to extend your life span” (and maybe have a better impact on your health) and my explanation is: When you are alone in life and has no one who cares, to walk beside you, or if you do not believe that god exists, all your troubles and burdens can be very heavy and sometimes impossible to carry, its like having to walk five kilometers with a very heavy package, alone you may only make it to three kilometers and have to give up, on the other hand if someone who cares was walking besides you, that person will definitely offer to help you carry that heavy package together, and both of you will reach the five kilometers destination.
  • Similarly I can say that I am convinced that there is a difference in the Health and Life span of someone who has a strong faith in God and someone who does not believe in God. For someone who does not have a strong faith, when faced with a very difficult situation, will definitely loose sleep, appetite and will not be relaxed and thus this will eventually degrade that persons health, which is the opposite for someone with a very strong faith in God, until the very last minute that person will be convince that god will not let him or her down( although in some cases he might do so for a special reason) being convince that your problem will be solved make you more relax which leads to a better health and eventually a longer life (And that’s speaking from experience! Except for the longer life part, I will need fifty more years to prove that!) And as for my readers who do not believe in God, to be truthful, there is no real proof that God exist, but for those who believes and has a strong faith, they have everything to gain and nothing to loose.
  • And there is something I want you to bear in mind, there is big a difference between Religion and God, MAN made Religion with a long list of do’s and Don’t and Stories going back thousands of years. My conviction is God asks very little from us
  •  (1) Do not point fingers or judge anyone, 
  •  (2) Love everyone, not only those who love you in return,
  •  (3) Give your help to anyone who needs it, whether they ask or not!
  • And a little bonus, if ever you pray, don’t ask for anything for yourself, but for those you know are in need. Thanks everyone for time you took to read my ideas.


Time will never make you Forget the lost of a loved one , but as time goes by, you'll see and feel things differently, because you will not concentrate on the lost, but on what you gained, the many years of happiness you shared with that person! . And always remember that death is part of life and we have to accept that , if not grief can destroy us. From the day we are born, the countdown begins! So in conclusion we should cherish every instant we have with those around us, because its an honor to be part of the life of those that are special (and believe me everyone is special in his or her own way , you just have to believe in one another and look beyond the few faults that we all have) Its like on a bright sunny day without sunglasses you will be dazzled AND UNABLE TO SEE THE BEAUTY THAT SURROND YOU ! With a good pair of Sunglass you will filter that dazzling light and see the real beauty, the same way the real beauty of every human being lies beyond his or her few faults ( and believe me we all have!)   This is based on my experience.

I have had the honor and oppertunity to accompany two individuals at different moments, during their last hours of life, they were both people that I have known and cared for, and when you hold the hand of a dying person, trying to confort him or her that they are not alone, not to be afraid and that you will care for their loved ones, such a moment can be devastating to depth of a person's mind and I have asked myself, what is life all about or how would I describe life and I guess there are only two words "Time" and "memories". For each of us the day we enter this world, we were all given the same thing, "Time" and never the same amount for any of us , neither do we know how much we are disposed of…. what is the most important part? , its FREE and we can do whatever we choose to do with it…. and what is the bad part?, the day you stepped out of this world, the only important thing you’ll left behind are “memories”, of what you did both good and bad and there is nothing that you will be able to take with you. And as "Time" goes by those memories will gradually fade away, and for some, you will be forgotten and for others, you'll live on in the hearts of those who have crossed your path until the end of their lives. 

My personal advice is to make the best of the "Time" that was given to you so FREELY, by making those around you happy, regardless of what it takes to do so! And remember kindness is the key to happiness! And every living creature deserves happiness, so judge no one!


Back in the eighty’s there was an English song by a French  group, called "Century" and the song was called "Lover Why ? " I guess for the longest while, subconsiously  I've been trying to find a profound  answer to a question found in the lyrics of this song " Why Do Flowers Die ?" and I came to the conclusion that the answer is very simple, The most Beautiful  and Precious things in life tends to go Un-noticed or  unrecognised and are missed only when no longer present !  and most of the time, they are just little things or small moments ( a flower for example, is small, tender and beautiful ) If I should explain this differently, I will say that sometimes we are so self-centered and taken –up by our needs and personal life , that we fail to noticed the BEAUTY and KINDNESS that surrounds us, and only when these precious things are taken away from us that some of us suddenly awake  and realised that its too late !!! So my only hope is by reading this someone will just look arround attentively and realise how lucky he or she is !! To be surrounded by people who love and care for you, so my precious reader please don't take things for granted.  Conclusion, we all have to be more attentive to the beauty, and the kindness that surrounds us, so as to have little or no regrets at the end of the time that was given to us!


Below is the song "Lover Why?" for those who are nostalgic or those who would just like to discover it...

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